
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board Recruitment 2014

DSSSB invited online application for various posts on from eligible candidates .
DSSSB Recruitment 2014


How to apply Online :- 

Only online applications will be accept and invited.

Important date

Opening Date of Application: 27/01/2014 (Monday)
Closing Date of Application:  27/02/2014 (Thursday)
Last Date for Deposite Fees through SBI Challan: 28/02/2014 (Friday)

 DSSSB Recruitment 2014 – Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) has notified  an job application Notification for the Recruitment of 8114 TGT, PGT, Craft Instructor, Secial Educator and other sarkari jobs under circular  No. 01/14 under Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Municipal Corporations of Delhi (SDMC, NDMC & EDMC), New Delhi Municipal Council & Autonomous Bodies of Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

 Online Applications are invited for eligible candidates for the above Posts of 8114 vacancies. 
 eligible candidates can apply in the prescribed format for DSSSB Recruitment 2014 through Online application using  official website on or before 27.02.2014. 

DSSSB Recruitment 2014 

 Number ofJob Posts:                                                  8114 vacancies 

Name of PostPosts
Occupational Therapist/Recreational Therapist12
Speech Therapist04
Pharmacist (Allopathy)07
Homeopathic Compounder04
Pharmacist ( Ayurveda)12
Pharmacist (Unani)08
Junior Pharmacist01
Staff Nurse Grade-B06
Auxiliary Nurse/Midwife225
Auxiliary Nurse/Midwife100
Auxiliary Nurse/Midwife (ANM)33
Medico Social worker01
Medico Social worker04
Laboratory Technician02
O.T. Assistant


Asstt. Malaria Inspector302
Assistant Public Health Inspector/Vaccinator108
T.B. Health Visitor01
E.C.G. Technician02
Dental Hygienist/technician03
Audiometric Assistant09
Plaster Assistant04
Laboratory Technician Grade-IVIn PCR Hepatitis01
Laboratory Assistant (Group-IV)204 
Laboratory (Assistant Group-IV)01
Laboratory Technician Grade-IVIn PCR Hepatitis12
Laboratory (Technician  Group-IV)18
Laboratory (Technician  Group-III)29
Assistant (OT/CSSD)99
Technician (OT/CSSD)49
Assistant Dietician24
Public Health Nurse70
Lecturer – II CMDE, DIETs04
Lecturer – II Art Education, DIETs05
Lecturer – II S.Science, DIETs09
Lecturer – II W.E. & V.E.01
Lecturer – II Work Experience, DIETs04
Lecturer – II, Phy. Education, DIETs06
Lecturer – II P & M, DIETs07
Lecturer – II Educational Tech. (ET,DIETs)06
Lecturer – II Foundation, DIETs17
Lecturer – II Dist. Resource Unit(DRU, DIETs)12
Lecturer – II Foundation, IFIC, DIETs DIETs07
Lecturer – II E.T01
Lecturer – II EF & NFE01
Lecturer – II Hindi, DIETs05
Lecturer – II Maths, DIETs07
Lecturer – II Planning & Administration03
Lecturer – II S. Science & Hum. Education05
Lecturer – II Science & Maths02
Lecturer – II Science, DIETs07
Assistant Teacher (Urdu)27
Accounts Clerk08
Accounts Assistant04
Junior Auditor24
Statistical Assistant135
Wild Life Inspector02
Fores Guard36
Sub Officer09
Battery Fitter01

Fire Operator803
Radio telephone Operator55
Laboratory Technician08
Laboratory Assistant11
Assistant Bacteriologist05
Fitter Electrical 2nd Electric Driver 2nd class, Motorman / Pump Driver / Switch Board Operator47
Sr. Scientific Asst (Chemistry)03
Sr. Scientific Asst (Pharmacology)01
Sr Scientific Asst (Microbiology)01
Laboratory Assistant (Microbiology)01
Laboratory Asst (Chemistry)01
Programming Assistant03
Architectural Asst/Asst Architect05
Telephone Operator12
Publicity Assistant06
Mechanic (AC & Refrigeration)01
Sewer Cleaning Machine Operator05
Veterinary & Live Stock Inspector04
Assistant Sanitary Inspector19
Radio Technician03
craft Instructor Surveyor01
Craft Instructor of Draughtsman Mech.01
Craft Instructor  AC & Refrigeration13
Craft Instructor Welder (Gas & Electric)07
Craft Instructor Mechanic Motor08
Instructor Drawing27
Craft Instructor Electrician11
Craft Instructor (Auto Elec.)02
Craft Instructor Scooter & Auto Cycly Mechanic04
Craft Instructor (wireman)02
Craft Instructor (hair & Skin Care)03
Instructor (Mill wright)06
Craft Instructor Tool & Die Maker01
Craft Instructor Tool & die Maker (Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures04
Craft Instructor Food Production (Gen.)01
Craft Instructor draughtsman (Civil)10
Craft Instructor Mechinist Grinder01
Craft Instructor Plastic Processing Operator01
Craft Instructor Computer Operator & Programming Assistant15
craft Instructor Commercial Art02
Craft Instructor Architectural Assistant02
Craft Instructor Digital Photographer01
Craft Instructor Front Office Asst.01
Craft Instructor Health & Sanitary Inspector01
Craft Instructor Interior Decoration & Dressing04
Craft Instructor Tourist Hardware01
Craft Instructor Computer Hardware& Networking14
Craft Instructor Data Entry Operator09
Craft Instructor IT & Electronic System Maintenance08
Craft Instructor secretarial Practice (Eng.)08
Craft Instructor Basic Fitting & measurement02
Craft Instructor Basic Sheet Metal work & welding02
Craft Instructor Basic Turning & Grinding01
Craft Instructor Basic Milling & Gear Cutting01
Craft Instructor Basic CNC Programming & operation and Hydraulics &  Pneumatic01
Craft Instructor Basic Electrical & electronics01
Craft Instructor Basic Microprocessor01
Craft Instructor Basic Electrical engg.01
Craft Instructor Basic Wiring &  Winding01
Craft Instructor Basic Petrol Diesel Engine01
Craft Instructor Transmission, suspension, steering system & Breaks01
Craft Instructor Basic engineering skill01
Craft Instructor Basic Elec. Engineering01
Craft Instructor Basic Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution 01
Craft Instructor Basic Computer Operating Skills & Its Application01
Instructor Mathematics36
Workshop Assistant03
Special Education Teacher  669
Special Educator 1692 
 Welfare Officer Grade-II40
Staff Nurse07
Assistant Teacher (Primary)88
Dental Hygienist03
Stenographer, Grade-III04
Clerical Assistant61
Staff car driver05
Statistical Assistant02
PGT- Biology (male)05
PGT- Biology (female)03
PGT- Chemistry (male)05
PGT- Chemistry (female)01
PGT- Commerce (male)06
PGT- Commerce (female)10
PGT- Economics (male)26
PGT- Economics (female)03
PGT- English (male)25
PGT- English (female)09
PGT- Hindi (male)12
PGT- Hindi (female)21
PGT- History (male)16
PGT- History (female)10
PGT- Physical education (male)01
PGT- Physical education (female)02
PGT- Pol. Science (male)12
PGT- Pol. Science (female)21
PGT- Sanskrit  (male)09
PGT- Sanskrit  (female)16
PGT- Geography (male)06
PGT- Geography (female)01
PGT- Maths (male)12
PGT- Maths (female)04
PGT- Physics (male)07
PGT- Physics (female)05
PGT- Engg. Drawing (male)07
PGT- Engg. Drawing (female)05
PGT- Painting (male)03
PGT- Painting (female)01
PGT- Home Science (male)04
PGT- Home Science (female)09
PGT- Punjabi (male)01
PGT- Punjabi (female)01
PGT- Urdu (female)02

TGT (Computer Science)2026
Drawing Teacher08

Lecturer – II IFIC, DIETs07
Assistant Planner08
Craft Instructor  (Steward)01
Craft Instructor Fashion Technology15

Eligibity :

Age Limit : Check Notification for details,
Education Qualification : Check notification for catagory wise job opening as per crieteria.

Application Fee : 
General and OCB category candidates need to pay Rs. 100/- as application fee. SC/ST/PH/ and other reserved category candidates are exempted from application fee. 

Eligible candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written examination and interview. 

Online Application Form
All those candidates who wish to apply for DSSSB Recruitment 2014 for various Teaching and Non-teaching vacancies, they are required to apply through online mode by filling up online application form for it's official website at 

Note :

  • The candidates should apply Online . other mode of application shall be rejecteted
  • The candidates must read the INSTRUCTIONS Before APPLYING ONLINE.
  • Benefit of reservation shall be given as per the policy of Govt.of Delhi.
  • Neither the print out of online application form nor any document should be sent to this board at the time of applying for the post.
  • Only the successful candidates will be required to submit copy of challan, legible Self attested/Gazetted officer attested/ Notary attested copies of the documents along with the hard copy of printout of online application form at the time of verification of documents (any information contained in the attached certificates shall not be considered unless it is claimed in the application form).
  • The centers for holding the examination will be in Delhi only.
  • The candidates must carry at least one photo bearing identity proof in original such as Driving license.
How to Apply Online.
  • Log on to official website
  • Follow the instructions 
  • Click on online application form.
  • Fill all mandatory details and submit form.
  • Now make the payment (See application fee details).
  • After that complete your Application.
  • Take print out of your application.
  • Deposite challan.

Click here to know more details about DSSSB Recruitment 2014

Click here for Online Application

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board,


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